Why my dog is not eating?

Why my dog is not eating

Anorexia is a term used to describe a condition when a dog does not eat or is not capable of it. Appetite is a psychological thing, and it depends on memory and association in comparison with a hunger that is physiological in nature. It occurs when the body feels the need for food. Regardless of the reason, loss of appetite, if it lasts for 24 hours and longer, seriously affects the health of the animal. Very young dogs (younger than 6 months) are particularly prone to problems caused by not taking food. Why my dog is not eating?

There are many reasons that lead to your dog not wanting to eat:

  • Losing appetite is often the first sign of a dog’s disease.
  • Digestive system diseases (e.g. esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas), kidneys, bloodstream, eyes, mouth, nose and throat, skin, brain, and even other organs can cause appetite loss.
  • Pain can cause a decrease in appetite.
  • There are reasons that are less serious for life and can temporarily lead to a loss of food desires such as, for example, a new type of food or behavioral causes (new home, new animal or household member).


Weimaraner refuse food

Various diseases cause loss of appetite. In the case of digestive organs, one should keep in mind possible changes, from mouth to bowel, not counting internal glandular glands.

14 most common diseases in Weimaraners

An overview of the mouth is primary and should show if there have been any changes in the teeth, palate or throat.

Everything that causes the pain reduces the desire for food, starting from the stinging bone, through the paradentosis to the problems with the teeth.

In addition, if the nasal mucosa and the dog can not smell food, which is the first step in creating an appetite and the desire to take food, it will not take it again.

The throat, intestinal intestine, and pathway of the digestive organs can also be affected by the inflammatory process, but this does not occur often alone, it is more in the context of infectious conditions starting from the mouth and continuing downwards.

The esophagus, stomach, and the small intestine and colon are subject to inflammation due to various irritants. This causes pain, vomiting, nausea or diarrhea that reperforms through anorexia. Parasitic diseases (worms and pancreas), viruses (swine fever, coronas, puppies, etc.), as well as bacteria and fungi. In addition, allergic reactions to food, stomach ulcers or intestines, as well as various cancers occur.

Nothing less significant are partial or total blockages of the stomach and intestines that can be caused by a large number of parasites, a foreign body, an excessive amount of bone (forming a similar reservoir that is hard or by no means ejected), as well as various tumors, benign or malignant.

In addition, in the disorders of the digestive organs, we can expect symptoms such as increased salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, lameness, and sadness.

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This miracle of nature, created to protect the body from various types of poisons, can also be “spoiled”. In case it does not work properly, toxins begin to act on the brain and the sense of hunger is lost.

It is primarily about chronic inflammation of the liver, circulatory disorders within this organ, or adverse effects on the action of certain substances (rimmedil, sulfopreparates). Liver diseases are most often accompanied by increased salivation, vomiting, thrombosis, and lethargy.


It is a gland whose effect is vital. Its enzymes allow the destruction of food and the use of its ingredients.

If there are inflammatory processes on it, these enzymes do not end in the intestines, but within the abdominal cavity, where they can function corrosively. Such painful processes will surely cause a lack of appetite, vomiting and poor general condition. Also, pancreatic tumors can cause loss of appetite.


When it comes to diseases of the urinary organs, we can also associate them with the causes of anorexia. Often the loss of appetite and unpleasant behavior arise from ulcers or deeper, in the digestive tract, and all due to uremia (occurring in the blood vessels due to the accumulation of waste that did not pass through the kidneys).

How to feed Weimaraner correctly

The dog will, in addition, consume the same amount of water (or increased), trying to compensate for the fluid that literally passes through the kidneys, while at the same time vomiting and lack of interest.

Although not all kidney problems are burdened with the loss of appetite, it’s better to warn you about it.

Blood diseases

Diseases that cause changes in the bloodstream can also tell the dog not to take food. But, this is just one of the symptoms, which also includes weakness, anemia, or vice versa, polycythaemia (an increase in the number of blood cells).

New family members and dog behavior

Weimaraner dog laying down

Dogs are territorial animals. Any arrival of a new family member who is reflected in a new dog or cat or another animal can disrupt the dog’s rhythm. This can affect the behavior of a dog and it can start to decline food.

Behavioral disorders in dogs

It is necessary to pay attention to this phenomenon. This period of adapting to new family members should not be taken lightly because it can endanger the health of your dog.

Pay attention to all animals, whether they eat and drink regularly. Try to socialize them, integrate them into a single whole. In this way, you will help them overcome the stressful period and get used to each other.

Turning your attention to your dog

From time to time, there can be overloading and loss of appetite, not to mention spoiled pets who will not eat everything. However, the lack of appetite is one of the symptoms that indicate various disorders in the body.

Sometimes we can expect (if it is a mechanical problem or something banal) that this symptom is the only one and that the problem is not so great.

However, if a vital organ is attacked, the real wave of accompanying symptoms should be expected, which, after careful observation, can point to the source of the problem.

Unfortunately, the symptoms with which food is not being consumed are not specific and require expert opinion and a multidisciplinary approach in order to solve the problem.

We can expect the body to be exhausted and the permanent negative effect of the disease causative agent, leading to vomiting, baldness, and diarrhea. It continues to cause maliciousness, lack of interest in the environment, retreat into hidden angles, etc.

Due to blood circulation disorder, that is, lack of oxygen, there is difficulty in breathing, fading mucous membranes, weight loss, and dehydration.

There are two problems in these situations.

  • The first is the disease itself,
  • and the other that you can not compensate your dog with food, so there is a lack of energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, etc.

So, it is not only necessary to treat a dog, but also to artificially give what is necessary to maintain a life, and in doing the fight against the disease.

Rejection of food can be a major problem, and if attention is not paid in time, we can expect strong metabolic disorders (of course, depending on the cause), which are long overcome and with varying success.

By monitoring behavior and taking food, you are at the beginning of the first defensive line that does not allow the development of a serious illness and causing harm to your four-legged friend.

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