How to feed Weimaraner correctly?

How to feed Weimaraner correctly

Proper nutrition is the basis of the health of every happy Weimaraner, and the proper balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats in every meal is the basis of every proper diet.

How to feed Weimaraner correctly? Proper nutrition prevents the occurrence of various diseases, most commonly those of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis.

Most often, Weimaraners owners give adult dogs two meals a day. The first meal is in the morning (approximately 1 hour after returning from the walk) and in the evening (also, 1 hour after the walk).

The reason for giving a meal after returning from a pet walk is that it is possible to prevent various digestive disorders, which can also lead to more serious health disorders.

Owners today most often feed their pets:

– Buying food (granular and moist food premium and super-premium quality)
– home-cooked food

Granular dry food

The simplest, most practical and at the same time the best diet for a pet today. It is best to feed your dog finished food, superpowers, and premium quality because then you are sure that the meal is properly balanced.

Feeding your dog the highest quality food not only ensures its harmonious growth and development but from an early age, protects the joints of the pet’s legs.

High-quality granular foods in addition to the necessary calcium also contain glucosamine and chondroitin, substances that affect the build-up of strong joints and allow their mobility and strength.

These foods also contain the optimal ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which affect skin and hair quality. All nutrients, minerals, and vitamins are properly balanced and in optimal amounts so that if you feed your dog with these foods it is not necessary to add vitamins and minerals.

It is important to say that the best choice for your dog is to buy food in its original packaging because only then can you be sure of its quality, hygienic safety, preserved nutrients in optimal quantities, as well as the guaranteed date of use of the product.

The benefits of dehydrated dog food are a well-balanced intake:

– protein,
– fats,
– carbohydrates,
– Enriched with all the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy puppy growth and development.

Taking the dehydrate causes mechanical friction of the food and the teeth. Also, food residues are not retained in the oral cavity and the presence of bacteria is less and thus prevents unpleasant odor.

Wet canned food

Canned moist food is quickly available and convenient, though it requires more storage. It is usually prepared at lower temperatures, less processed than dehydrated foods, and contains a high percentage of moisture.

Homemade cooked food

If you want to feed your pet cooked food, then you must prepare a special meal for him so that it contains 60 – 70% of the meat, and the rest is rice and vegetables.

When preparing a cooked meal, it is very difficult to balance the optimal nutrient ratio.

It is also the inadequate composition of minerals, especially vitamins that are destroyed by cooking, so it is necessary to add vitamin-mineral preparations.

You can enrich dehydrated foods by adding yogurt or other fermented dairy products, or adding fresh cow’s cheese, as well as occasionally delivering a cooked meal.

Take special care with cooked food

Dogs should not eat foods that are prepared for human consumption because they generally have a lot of spices that can be annoying to dogs.

The high amount of salt or strong spices that can lead to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract or electrolyte disturbance is especially dangerous.

There are dishes that can cause bloating and thus cause pain. It is very important to know that there are substances that you should avoid in the diet, as they can cause health problems:

sugar, chocolate, menthol, alcohol
foods containing lots of salt and other spices
roasted meat
raw entrails (especially spleen and liver, even cooked)
bones of poultry, game, fish, ie all bones that sharply break
milk (causes diarrhea – the dog does not have the necessary enzymes that ferment milk in the digestive tract, so he can only eat already acidified dairy products)
thermally untreated eggs (best avoided, especially raw egg whites, as it causes dandruff and hair loss, and can be infected with Salmonella)
vegetables that produce gas in the stomach (beans, peas, green beans, potatoes, legumes)

Gastritis – the inflammation of gastric mucosa

One of the more common diseases of the digestive system in dogs is inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis).

14 most common diseases in Weimaraners and how to treat them

The most common cause of gastritis is a wrong diet, which in its composition and quality does not meet the needs of the dog.

Monotonous diet, spoiled and stale foods, many spices in the food are the cause of mucosal inflammation that occurs in most cases.

Symptoms of stomach disease are as follows:

– loss of appetite,
– vomiting of yellowish contents,
– Weight loss etc.

It can often be observed that a dog eats grass, which in many cases is a symptom of difficulty digestion.

Why are dogs eating grass?

This makes the dog easier to digest. Digestion disorders in the stomach result in impaired digestion in the intestines.

Namely, insufficiently hydrolyzed proteins, fats, sugars are difficult to digest in the intestines due to the difficult access and function of the enzyme.

Dogs have a highly developed enzymatic system so proper digestion in the stomach is a good prerequisite for digestion of food in the small intestine.

Intestinal diseases in dogs

Intestinal diseases are also a common occurrence in our pets. Insufficient and unbalanced and poor quality foods cause changes in the microbial composition in the dog’s intestines.

This type of change results in disturbances in food digestion, that is, food ingredients do not disperse into usable forms suitable for absorption.

Symptoms of indigestion in the gut are:

– impaired appetite,
– diarrhea,
– weight loss,
– sharpened hair,
– Unwillingness
– and increased water intake.

Constipation is another common disorder that occurs due to malnutrition.

Why my dog is not eating?

If you notice any of these symptoms, you must take your dog to the vet to find out the true cause of the disrupted digestive system as soon as possible.

Foods that you can feed your dog and you consume

Your dog may feel like a member of your family, but that doesn’t mean it can eat the same food that people eat.

Due to a different metabolism, certain foods cannot be digested, however, there are some that are equally beneficial and nutritious to them.

According to Medical News Today, food that is consumed by humans and also allowed by dogs should be given to these pets with a measure. It should not be overstated as it can cause many health problems.

Before deciding to include different foods in your dog’s diet, you should consult your veterinarian about all the risks and consequences of doing so.

Therefore, it is important to eliminate the doubt as to whether your dog is prone to diabetes and breeding.

There are certain breeds of dogs that are particularly sensitive to dietary changes and foods so this is something that should be a guide for you if you choose to treat it with certain foods at times.

Food that are healthy for people can be harmful to dogs!

Foods that are healthy for people, on the other hand, can be harmful to dogs and should be avoided primarily because they can cause significant damage to the dog’s liver and kidneys.

In addition to the above, there are a number of other health issues that you should not neglect if you decide to introduce certain novelties in your dog’s diet.

Below we bring you a list of foods that are consumed by humans that are not harmful to dogs.


Carrots are very healthy for dogs. Carrot chewing actually cleans the dog’s teeth from caries and generally improves tooth health.

Carrots are also a great source of Vitamin A that has special benefits for the dog’s immune system, skin, and fur. However, taking too much A can be toxic, so it is important that you give it to your pet in dosage.


Apples provide many important vitamins that are good for dogs, including vitamins A and C.

Apples are also a good source of fiber that helps regulate canine digestion. However, you should be careful not to give your pet rotten apples as alcohol poisoning can occur.

White rice

Simply brewed white rice can be a good option for your dog if he or she has a “troubled stomach” problem.

She will help him regulate digestion and stool. White rice can cause high blood sugar, so dogs with diabetes should only consume this food in small amounts.

Dairy products

Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt are safe for dogs, but also in very small quantities because overeating these foods can cause digestive problems.

The reason is that dogs have low levels of lactose tolerance. However, dogs diagnosed with lactose intolerance should by no means eat dairy products.

The symptoms by which you may recognize lactose intolerance are diarrhea or vomiting.


Salmon, prawns, and tuna are fish that dogs can safely consume because they are a good source of protein.

Salmon and tuna are also rich in Omega 3 fats, which benefit the immune system and improves fur and skin health.

The B vitamins found in shrimp can also help regulate digestion in dogs and improve blood circulation.

It is very important that you cook these fish before you allow the dog to eat because if you serve them raw there is a potential for them to contain many harmful bacteria.


Pure cooked chicken without spices is a good option if your dog has stomach problems.

Peanut butter

Unsalted peanut butter without the added sugars and sweeteners is sure to be consumed by your dog, however, in limited quantities.

This product has many dog health benefits, including vitamins E and B, niacin (vitamin B3), good fats and proteins.

It is very important to check that peanut butter does not contain sweeteners such as xylitol, which are very toxic to dogs. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect that your dog has consumed some xylitol-containing products.


Corn should not be salted and it is a highly nutritious dog food that contains minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc essential for maintaining dog health.

It is important to peel it off the plunger first to prevent possible suffocation or gastrointestinal obstruction. It should not be given over two tablespoons a day.


Blueberries are safe for dogs because they are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals (nutritional micro-constituents of fruits and vegetables) that all contribute to your dog’s health.

Research from 2012 has shown that antioxidants improve health problems in older dogs.


They are rich in fiber and completely safe for dogs. You can give them a few pieces as a treat or crush a banana into their food.

They are rich in magnesium, which is essential for bone health in the dog, however, if your pet has a high sugar problem then do not bring this fruit to his diet. Also in healthy dogs, the recommendation is not to overdo it.


Cucumbers are safe for your dogs, have very few calories and are a great treat for overweight people. They contain many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K.


Watermelon is a safe fruit that your dog can easily consume, however, it is very important that you first remove seeds that can “block” the work of their intestines.

Also, chewing watermelon bark can cause stomach problems for your pet, so the best solution is to remove it while feeding your dog.

This fruit has a high water content, which helps dogs stay hydrated for a long time. It is also a good source of vitamins A, C, and B.

Foods that should not be given to dogs

What Weimaraners should never eat?

Lastly, it is important to set aside foods that you should not give to your dogs. Specifically, these are products that contain:

– alcohol,
– chocolate,
– coffee and caffeine,
– as well as sweeteners (xylitol).

Also, if you have concerns about certain foods, it is best to consult a veterinarian before giving them to your dog.

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