How to help a dog in quarantine?

How to help a dog quarantine

The coronavirus pandemic emergency has changed the habits of even pets. As the health situation worsened, so did the timing for walking. All this annoyed the owners and probably confused the dogs as they apply to creatures who love the routine.

There is no universal solution, so every owner would have to adapt to the delicate situation when listening to his dog. It should be, experts say, now to create a new schedule and function within it.

Good routine and organization

A good organization without panic is a priority. The dog looks at its owner and how he knows when he is sad or nervous.

Such moods are always transmitted to the pet. This means that we must be the one to help our dog by first calming and organizing, figuring out how the routine can be changed, and sticking to it day by day.

This is something that every dog can learn if there is a need. It works on the principle of simulation of natural conditions. The dog does not suffer, that is, does not retain the urine, and then it is very easy to pull away as soon as the surface is removed, for example, the balcony on which it stood inaccessible.

To the dogs, going out is a ritual and, among other things, it drives the urge to exercise physiological needs. So it would be a good idea to imitate this routine indoors – say, for example, “go outside,” put on a dog’s collar, dress and dress a jacket and bring it to the balcony or to a corner intended for physiological needs.

My advice is to fill a pad for a physiological needs about one meter in size with a layer of sand, then a layer of soil and, if you can, provide parts of the grass as well.

If you have a male, add a vertical object – a plank or a stem – to that surface. Put your dog’s excrement on the pad that you pick up from your previous exit. This will all stimulate the dog to sniff and perform physiological needs. When you mark the pad, each time it will be easier.

Weimaraner and coronavirus

For smaller dogs, this is likely to go easier, especially if owners also resort to diapers. The younger ones too, because they do not have such established habits.

The most vulnerable categories are dogs that have health problems and which would change their habits and routines. This will not be easy for dogs in later years who have a deep-rooted routine, as well as dogs of large breeds that require a lot of physical activity and who never perform at home physiological needs.

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How to Feed a Dog in Quarantine

Also, these days when less is consumed, dogs should also adjust their diet. The first meal should be as early as possible, and treats and prizes should be avoided in the evening, as this irritates the gastrointestinal tract.

What about water? It should always be available! We must not remove water from the dog at all, but it should be reduced from 5 pm.

Dogs often drink out of boredom, and this is annoying. So water should always be in the bowl, but very little.

Disposal of physiological needs

Postponing emergencies can have consequences for the health of dogs – from urinary tract inflammation to gastrointestinal problems. It can increase stress and reduce immunity.

I advise owners not to let their dogs suffer by delaying physiological needs. Recognize the signs that the dog has become nervous because of an emergency. If it is not possible at home, let him or her go in front of the entrance to your building for a minute and return immediately.

weimaraner park walking

And what about the physical activity of the dog

However, we must not forget that a dog does not go outside not only for emergency purposes but also because it has a need for activity.

Closing parks is certainly not a popular measure, but there are games that can be practiced indoors as well.

Now forget about hanging out with other dogs and owners. Walk solely with your dog in permitted places.

Mental stimulation will be assisted by various toys. Think of a trick or command that you would like your dog to learn and work on.

You can also throw a ball at him in the apartment, get over the rope… You can also resort to one of the KONG type active toys from which the granules fall out, and entertain the dog by feeding actively for hours.

And Youtube offers numerous games that stimulate the dog’s brain indoors.

Dog owners over the age of 65 are particularly in a difficult situation, but luckily, there is also a professional walker and petsitter in our service who will know how to approach each dog and gain his confidence.

It can also be someone close to the owner who will be accepted as a friend by the dog.

And in all of this, let’s find something positive too – we’re sure your dogs are thrilled to be home more and have more time for them.

Use it to enjoy it together!

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